How to Encourage Your Kids to Practice Their Music Lessons

As a parent, it can be difficult to get your kids to practice their music lessons. You may have even tried bribing them with promises of ice cream or extra time on the iPad, but nothing seems to work. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to encourage your kids to practice their music lessons without resorting to bribes.

Here are a few tips for encouraging your kids to practice their music lessons:

Set aside specific practice time: Another way to encourage your kids to practice is to set aside specific times for them to do so. If they know they have to sit down and practice for 30 minutes after dinner, they're more likely to do it.

Learn It With Them: The best way to get your kids practicing their music lessons is by setting an example. If you make time for practice yourself, even just once in awhile during hectic days or after working hard at something else like homework assignments then they will likely follow suit! You could also go out together as a family--such events show that we value this art form and find enjoyment from it too

Encourage them always; don't be afraid of mistakes because these are what shape our next generation's musicianship.

Be patient: It's important to be patient when teaching your kids how to play an instrument. They may not learn as quickly as you did, but that's okay. Just remember that everyone learns at their own pace and that eventually they will get the hang of it. In the meantime, try not to get frustrated and give up on them. They'll appreciate your patience in the long run.


Encouraging your kids to practice their music lessons doesn't have to be difficult. By following these tips, you can help turn practice time into something fun and exciting for both you and your child. Just remember to be patient and set a good example, and soon your kid will be playing their favorite songs with ease.


The Importance of Music Lessons for Kids